Thursday, August 30, 2012

Did you Know?

Did you Know? By Dr. Scott Mcleod
What an amazing video. It is apparent that technology is constantly changing. The educational system is constantly playing as I term “catch up”. Teachers need to be the leaders and find ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. With today’s economy budget is certainly an issue, but teachers need to work together to become creative and find ways around the budget crisis. This action of unity will highly benefit our students for years to come.

Are we doing what is best for our students, or are we doing what is most convenient for us?
It is the assumption of the community that schools and teachers strive to provide the best for their students. If teachers do what is best for their students, then their students will excel. When teachers find it convenient to do things the traditional way, then students are in my opinion given the short end of the stick. There are many teachers who have become comfortable over the years and don’t see a need for change. They may ask themselves, why change when what I have been doing has been working. Would we want our doctor to stop attending professional seminars and rely on out of date medications. If we demand this need for growth from other professions, then we should demand this for ourselves. We are professionals too.

I do not want to discredit the teachers out there who are trying to put their students first. I just believe that there are not many teachers in the educational system who show this kind of determination for improvement. All my classmates in Dr. Kelvin Thompson technology for educator’s course are here to expand on their knowledge to provide their students or current students with the best. We are all headed in the right direction and look forward to the journey ahead of us. What is it that stops teachers who showed so much passion and a need for change in the beginning, to just become comfortable?

The National Council on Teacher Quality is an organization that promotes the need to increase the amount of effective teachers nationwide. This organization was created when Michelle Rhee the superintendent of Washington D.C. fired low performing educators within her district. This served as a wake- up call that teacher quality is demanded. I encourage you to visit this website  

Let’s stand together and be the voice of our students. Let’s lead by example and encourage others to follow. Marianne Williamson said it best “our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”.